Things that excite me in my 30s!
Hola, I’m Michelle from MooksGoo. Besides the obvious things that lots of people get excited about, such as sunny days, beer gardens, Friday vibes and music, here are a few other things in life that excite me.
👌 Opening a new pot of marmite and having the first dip. The intention is to always keep it clean and shiny, but after day 3 it’s gross and sticky again. Almost the same vibe from when you started a new work book at school; page one is super neat, date underlined, joined up handwriting, the works. Page 3 is scruffy AF and you’ve lost the will.
👌 Fresh sheets. This excites me greatly. Not the actual changing of the sheets, but I always thank my past self for making the effort when I get into bed that night.
👌 Hanging out the washing. I feel like a proper grown up.
👌 Bin day. I don’t necessarily like the dragging of said bins to the front, but I’m pleased I help my fellow neighbours in reminding them what colour goes out. A binfluencer, if you will.
👌 Getting the butter right to all edges of a lightly toasted slice so there’s no dry bits. And on that theme, when you butter a cracker (yes I am a big butter fan… and cheese… and wine!) and it doesn’t break. Goals.
Do share what makes you just as excited! I’d like to read your most riveting thoughts… 👏